Commonly Asked Arowana Questions

This article is an extension of our Care Guide For Arowana Species. We will cover some of the common questions asked about these fish here. The answers here on this page are brief and to the point; but in order to fully understand the needs of these fish we highly recommend reading our full comprehensive guide mentioned above.

You can use the table below to jump to the question you need an answer to. 

Can Arowana Live With Cichlids?

Yes, Arowana can live with cichlids in an aquarium. Cichlids are aggressive fish and will not be intimidated by the large size of the Arowana which makes them great tank mates for this big fish species. 

The Arowana is also known for its assertive behavior and so it should not be kept with smaller or timid species that may get attacked by the Arowana. 

Both these types of fish have similar requirements when it comes to water parameters so they can both thrive together in one tank environment.

A common concern about housing both these fish together is their potential aggression towards each other. 

However, if you provide enough space for your arowanas and cichlids to establish separate territories within the aquarium, then there shouldn’t be any issues.

In addition, make sure that all tankmates are well fed on quality food so no one feels threatened over food competition either!

Can Arowana Live With Discus?

Not at all! Arowana is considered incompatible with discus fish. The two species have different requirements and personalities, making it difficult for them to coexist peacefully in one tank.

Arowanas grow large and are aggressive while discus is a shy and timid species. Arowanas also have larger appetites and can be quite aggressive when competing for food or territory.

At younger ages, arowanas can live with discus but they will soon grow and want to have all the tanks for themselves. Even this depends highly on the personality of your Arowana as even some smaller ones will still show aggressive behaviors. 

Can Arowana Live With Koi?

No, it is not recommended. Keeping these fish together is very risky!

Both Arowana and koi are large species that need plenty of space to swim. However, they need slightly different water parameters and their personality is different. 

While it is possible to set the tank’s parameters in a range where both fish can thrive; the bigger issue is the aggressive behaviors of Arowana. 

Arowanas are territorial species and as they grow they can develop territorial and aggressive behaviors towards koi fish. Koi, on the other hand, is a very calm and timid species, so an Arowana can easily bully them.

Their feeding is also another challenge as both fish need different types of foods to thrive.

Because of these, we do not recommend keeping arowanas with koi species.

Can Arowana Live With Oscar?

Yes, Arowana can live with Oscars in the same tank. Arowana is typically larger but equally aggressive fish as the Oscars. 

This makes these two fish compatible as none of them will try to gain dominance over the other. But it is important to consider the size of the tank before adding both species together. 

The general rule for housing these two fish species in one aquarium is to have as much space for them as possible. 

In addition to ample space, the water parameters of the tank should be within a range that is compatible with both fish. 

Generally speaking, both species can live in a similar type of water and environment. This makes it somewhat easy to keep them together. But make sure both fish are about the same size and none of them fit in another’s mouth.  

What Is The Most Expensive Arowana?

The most expensive Arowana fish in the world is the Asian arowanas. Some of the rare species of these fish can cost up to USD 300,000 for a single specimen! 

The high price tag associated with this beautiful creature comes from its rarity and exotic appeal.

What makes these fish especially valuable are the various colors they come in; Red, Golden, Silver, and many more. 

Learn more about the costs of Arowana species in our guide: Arowana Types: Rare & Expensive Varieties

Which Arowana Fish Is Lucky?

The Asian Arowana is often associated with luck and prosperity due to its strong, powerful body. 

While many people believe that any type of Arowana can bring luck, the Golden Arowana is especially known for being a symbol of good fortune. 

This majestic creature has been revered throughout history in Asian cultures, where it was believed to be a symbol of strength and power.

Which Arowana Is Legal In The Us?

The only Arowana species that is legal in the United States is the Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum). 

This species of fish also referred to as the “dragonfish” or “monkey fish,” originates from South American rivers and lakes. 

These silver-colored fish can grow up to 3 feet long and live for 10 years if given proper care.

Silver arowanas are relatively easy to care for due to their hearty nature and hardiness; however, they do require special attention when it comes to water quality. 

Which Is Lucky Arowana Or Flowerhorn?

When it comes to deciding which is luckier, an Arowana and a Flowerhorn, that really depends on the individual’s perspective.

While some people believe that an Arowana may be lucky due to its long history of being revered in Feng Shui, others might argue that a Flowerhorn is actually more fortuitous because of its modern-day popularity.

Furthermore, many believe that even just seeing these fish brings positivity into their lives! So when it comes down to deciding which is luckier between an Arowana and a Flowerhorn – it truly depends on your personal preference and beliefs!

Why is Arowana Banned In Us?

The main reason for the ban is that the Arowana can be an invasive species if released into waterways. They are aggressive predators that will out-compete other aquatic life for food sources. 

Additionally, there have been instances where non-native varieties have escaped from tanks or ponds and bred in the rivers. This has caused many state governments to prohibit their sale as pets altogether.

In addition to concerns over possible ecological issues, another factor behind banning the Arowana is its high price tag due to its rarity outside of its native habitats.

This makes them attractive targets for illegal smuggling operations which could contribute to population declines in the wild. 

The population of Asian Arowanas is already suffering from overexploitation by over-collection from the wild.

Note: Asian Arowanas are legal in Canada!

Why is Arowana Expensive?

Arowana is an expensive fish to own due to its rarity, desired appearance, and the amount of care it requires. 

Arowana can only be found in certain areas around the world making them difficult to acquire. 

Additionally, they have a unique look with their shiny scales and long bodies which makes them attractive to many aquarists.

The cost of caring for an Arowana is also high as they need an aquarium that’s large enough for swimming, special filtration systems, highly nutritious food, and frequent water changes.

Learn more about the costs of Arowana species in our guide: Arowana Types: Rare & Expensive Varieties

Why Are Arowana Fish Jumping Out Of The Tank?

Arowana fish are known to be quite jumpy and can often find themselves leaping out of their tanks. 

This is usually because they feel threatened by something or they’ve seen an insect and tried to catch it. Arowanas have a natural instinct of jumping and hunting out of water.

Another reason why an Arowana might jump out of its tank could be due to improper water chemistry levels. 

If the pH, nitrates, and ammonia levels become too high or low for your fish’s liking, it will actively seek an escape from those uncomfortable conditions – even if that means getting outside its aquarium! 

Will Arowana Barbels Grow Back?

Yes, Arowana barbels will grow back. This is a common occurrence in the fish-keeping hobby and many aquarists have experienced this process firsthand. 

When the barbells are fully grown back, they look almost identical to the ones that were lost.

The process of regrowing barbel takes time and patience but can be done with relative ease if proper care is taken of the fish.

Learn the right way of keeping these fish here: Care Guide For Arowana Species.

Will Arowana Bite Humans?

No, Arowanas are generally considered to be very docile towards humans. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. 

If an Arowana is kept in a tank that is too small for its size or if it is not provided with proper care and nutrition then it may become aggressive enough to bite its owner’s hand. 

It is also possible that an Arowana could mistake a finger for food, leading them to take a nip at the person trying to feed them.

Overall though, being bitten by an Arowana should not be something people need to worry about since they usually do not have the temperament needed for such behavior.

Will Arowana Eat Angelfish?

Absolutely Yes! Arowanas will eat any angelfish that fits in their mouth. Arowanas are predatory fish that feed primarily on insects, crustaceans, and small fish in the wild. 

However, angelfish are not their normal diet in the wild. Arowanas prefer insects over fish and only try to hunt fish when insects are not available. 

This means as long as they are well fed, they might be able to live with angelfish but this is a high-risk situation and should be avoided.

Will Arowana Eat Guppies?

Yes, Arowanas will eat guppies. In the wild, they will feed on insects and smaller fish such as guppies.

Arowanas are predators by nature so feeding them live prey like guppies can help satisfy this instinctive need. This can also provide them with the nutrition they require to stay healthy and active.

Will Arowana Eat Pellets?

Yes, Arowana will eat pellets. Pellets are an excellent source of nutrition for your Arowana and can provide them with the essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins they need to thrive. 

When selecting a pellet food for your Arowana it is important to select one that is specifically designed for large carnivorous fish such as the Arowana. 

These types of pellets contain higher amounts of protein than those designed for smaller fish and will help ensure your Arowana gets all the nutrients they need in its diet.

Additionally, since many Arowanas tend to be picky eaters you may want to purchase several different brands or varieties so that you can find one they like best!

The feeding section of our Arowana Care Guide will help you better understand the feeding needs of these fish.

Will Arowana Fins Grow Back?

The short answer to this is yes, Arowana fins will grow back. However, the process can take some time and there are a few factors that affect how quickly or slowly the regrowth takes place. 

In order for fin regeneration to occur, the fish must remain in good health. This means providing a healthy diet and clean water conditions with balanced pH levels as well as making sure they have plenty of space to swim around in their tank. 

Stress should be kept at a minimum because it can inhibit fin growth if left unchecked.

Another factor to consider when trying to maximize fin regrowth would be avoiding any type of contact with other aggressive fish that could damage its fins further.

If the fish has fin rot disease it must be treated with the right medications to help with fin regeneration. But often proper tank maintenance and diet are enough to help them grow their fins faster. 

Will Arowana Scales Grow Back?

Yes, Arowana scales will grow back. This is because the fish has a single layer of cycloid scales that are capable of regenerating when damaged. 

In fact, these fish have amazing healing abilities and can recover from wounds much faster than other species of fish.

The first step to having your Arowana’s scales grow back is ensuring it has a healthy environment where they can thrive and be stress-free. 

The tank should also be kept clean at all times as this helps the healing process go more quickly. 

Additionally, providing your fish with proper nutrition plays an important role in helping its scales regrow since vitamins and minerals help promote cell regeneration. 

If the scale loss is due to an injury, do not hesitate to contact a vet right away for professional advice.

The care section of our Arowana Care Guide will help you better understand the needs of these fish.

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